When is it in effect?
March 24, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Who is bound by the Order?
People, organizations and businesses within Denver city limits that are considered non-essential, for whom working from home is encouraged, — whether or not they live in the city.
What are we allowed to do (what are the exceptions)?
Going to the grocery store, health care appointments, the pharmacy or outside to exercise. People also can deliver food and necessary supplies to others, or visit others’ homes to provide care. People who are sick and those who are at high risk of severe illness should stay home except to seek medical care. People should maintain 6 feet of separation from other people when they are engaged in any activities outside home, including at work for essential employers.
Who is “essential?”
Employers deemed “essential” will be allowed to operate.
A variety of government, health care, infrastructure and business employers are considered essential and can remain open.
A partial list of business exemptions: the food industry, including convenience and pet supply stores; banks; hotels and motels; hardware stores, dry cleaners and laundromats; houses of worship and social services providers that assist the needy; telecom and internet service providers; oil and gas companies; the news media; skilled trades, including plumbers, electricians and others that provide home maintenance and repair; professional services providers whose assistance is necessary to comply with the law; and the construction industry. Read the complete list in the order.
This is Colorado man, what about liquor and weed?
Liquor stores and recreational marijuana stores can remain open with practices in place to ensure 6-foot spacing between individuals, the city said late Monday afternoon — after officials initially included them in the ordered closures. Medical marijuana dispensaries already had been exempted.
Restaurants can continue offering takeout, drive-thru and delivery service for food and drinks, as previous orders by the mayor and governor have allowed. Residents can leave home to pick up food.
I do not live in Denver, so how does this affect me?
The Mayor’s Order does not apply outside of Denver County, but if you work in the City you are not permitted to work unless you are one of the essential roles. There is word that Arapahoe, Douglas, and Adams counties are about to issue a similar order to Denver’s; monitor the situation in your hometown carefully.
UPDATED: The following counties in Colorado go on lock down (stay at home order) effective March 26 at 8:00 a.m. until April 17: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas & Jefferson.
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