Wadi Obtains Dismissal for Client in Theft Case
Nov. 12, 2014 – Wadi Muhaisen convinced the prosector to completely dismiss theft charges against his client, who is now immediately qualifiedRead More
Wadi Muhaisen Negotiates Plea-Bargain That Protects Client’s Immigration Status
Nov. 4, 2014 – Wadi Muhaisen’s client was accused of his second domestic violence case, and as a non-citizen risked a convictionRead More
Wadi Muhaisen Obtains Deferred Prosecution for Client
Sep. 17, 2014 – Wadi Muhaisen’s client was accused of criminal menacing and unlawful possession of a gun in public when heRead More
Wadi Muhaisen Obtains Complete Dismissal for Client in Forgery/Theft Case
Sep. 5, 2014 – Wadi’s client was accused of theft and forgery of company documents in a complicated multiple felony case. Β AfterRead More
M2 Attorney Wadi Muhaisen comments on new underage curfew
Watch Wadi’s interview on Univision: http://www.somosnoticiascolorado.com/2014/04/04/toque-de-queda-para-jovenes-en-denver/ The nightlife of anyone under 17 will be under the microscope of Denverβs Curfew Ordinance beginningRead More
Wadi Muhaisen Obtains Full Acquittal for Client in 25 Count Organized Crime Trial
Wadi Muhaisen’s client and her co-defendant were indicted by a grand jury for 25 criminal counts including violation the Colorado Organized CrimeRead More
“Dream Act” Deferred Action Law Effective August 2013
On June 15th President Obama announced that the Department of Homeland Security will stop deporting young immigrants who meet certain conditions. InRead More
M2 Attorney Wadi Muhaisen selected as “Super Lawyer”
M2 is proud to announce that Wadi Muhaisen was nominated by his peers and selected by the Super Lawyers organization as aRead More
Colorado Court of Appeals nixes medical-pot use for those on probation
The appeals court found that Colorado’s Medical Use of Marijuana Amendment does not permit a court to exempt a probationer from complyingRead More